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Family photographer Frankfurt

Hi, I'm Pauline

I forget stuff. My keys in various pockets, my hot coffee on the counter, my kid at school.... It's not that I'm just forgetful, I have a hazy memory too.  For instance I know my 8 year old daughter was once a toddler, I remember how it FELT, but I can't PICTURE what it looked like. Unless I look I at a photo from that era.


So I take pictures to remember. I capture life as it is, creating evocative images that bring together the memory of how a moment looks and feels all at once.

I dive into all aspects of real life and document the small yet important moments that make each family unique: everyday routines, laughters and tears, walks at the park and messy homes, squishy babies and moody teenagers. I live in Frankfurt, Germany, but travel all over to meet and document families, mostly in France were I was born and raised.


What about your family? How will you remember all the details that make your everyday what it is ten or twenty years from now? Will you remember what life was like and how it felt?

Awards and features

Interview pour l'émission Aller-Retour de Radio Darmstadt 

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